Today is “red moon” day and the next release number “R” suits this day 😉 Update Oct 2020: This post is now freely available 😉
Well, the picochess story continues. The main goal of this version is to fix some long open issues from github. I mainly worked on two issues which are:
- restoring a game – You can now continue the last saved game from “games.pgn”. At startup you get a “continue game” message and the last position is loaded. This feature is not completely finished cause i want to be able to also continue a not stored (finished) game. I plan to fix this on the next release – but the beginning is made 😉
- pre-moves – esp the bullet players wanted to play their own move before the displayed move from picochess is really done on the board. I was told that this was already working in the v0.6x areas. Well, that was never the intention, ha. Okay, now you can play your move before y really make the move in order.
Despite this i also updated several chess engines. You can also define the path of the license file now (mainly useful for people who own more as one dgt board).
You can no longer download this package (closed on Feb 2019)
Hi Jürgen,
how can i fix this (old) picochess.key finding under the new installed V0.9R?
“license status: TRY version (until 15moves – no position, update)
using licensed board xxxx
new board:NO”
Do we need for every new version a separate licence key?
Hot greetings from Bavaria.
Hi Manfred,
as the name says already its a license on a version. If y use a new one, y need a new license. Thats the main difference to the time license (see my docu).
So, i need to create a new file for you to solve yr problem 😉
Jürgen (in too hot BW area)
Hi Jürgen,
under V0.9Q I can read LICDATE=18-12-31 LICTYPE=TYPVERS LIC*FUL. I really don’t understand the problem.
Thanks for helping.
Hi Manfred,
LICTYPE=TYPVERS => y have a version license and it was done for v09Q. If y use something else as Q, your license (file) is no longer valid.
Since people dont want to have iNet access during usage, picochess cant know what the time is or if y still inside your subscription time. That y allowed to use R you&me knows but picochess cant.
If y dont mind y need iNet access all the time, perhaps the other sort is better for y? That would allow y to switch around without always recreate the file.
I personally think that “version” based is better, but the disadvantage y saw now.
Please tell me, if y want a new version file for R or the other system. Sorry, for all the trouble this “protection” gave y.
Is there a list of engines from version 0.5R and the ELO rating for each level of each engine?
Hi Roberto,
only what y see in “engines/armv7l/engines.ini”. These elo values are based on a test-suite software and from time to time running tournaments with a fraction of engines. Reduced levels (based on the engine developers, like “ELO 800”, “Level 3/20”), arent checked.
Its only for HELP. they arent statistically correct 🙂