Picochess Images

The old download place dl.picochess.org is no longer available. We provide the following places to download your picochess version. Please choose if you have a DGTPi or a standard RaspberryPi system. Be careful not use the DGT Pi version inside a Raspberry Pi!

As you see, i don’t offer a new image for every release. If you want to stay on top of development please use the (auto-)update function inside picochess. This also includes v0.9p and further (getting a paid plan not means y get images), sorry.
Please use – if possible – the newest version of picochess for your hardware (PI/non-PI). The older versions are only for history or special reasons.

After buring the image to your sd-card and restart the RaspberryPi picochess should be working out of the box. Just in case you want to login to your raspberryPi please use this for login: username=pi password=picochess

Picochess v0.9j – Stretch

Important: If you have an older image as v0.9J please use a newer image from below. Do not update picochess directly by the internal update system. For details take a look at this page

Picochess v0.9n – Revelation2 Pi Mode

Image for DgtPi Chesscomputer:
As I said, this download is NOT working anymore. Sorry

Image for Non-DgtPi Chesscomputer (working on PiZero, Pi2, Pi3, Pi3+):

As I said, this download is NOT working anymore. Sorry

Picochess v0.9u – Buster version

This version is not freely available – esp since Feb 2019 there is no way to get it anymore.

Picochess v2.01plus – Community version

Dirk & Wilhelm continued my work and developed a V2 Version based on v0.9N from me. You can find this version here. Al put some scripts inside, so y can also change this image to the original v0.9N or V2.01 (DGT Pi Version) or  V2.01 (non DGTPi). Also Randy made an image including Stockfish 11 which y can find here

Pico-Tool v0.9n

Despite my development on picochess i also did a tool to setup your picochess configuration in an user friendly way (similar to raspi-config tool for your raspberry). You can download the free (&fully working) version v0.9n from my download place

For members i also did such (advanced) tool with the new features newer picochess is offering. Please download it from inside yr member-area.