Old DGT e-Boards with serial only connection had a problem with the electronic chess clocks. Actually they had problems from time to time on various versions of picochess. The main problem with them is that i don’t have such e-board. Strangely they often needed to activate the clock before the board even a clock can’t be there without a board.
On v0.88 i changed this strange order again to board first but this reveals an old bug with its communication. Lucas from DGT and me had a session to fix this. He uses his scope to get me on the right track with serial communication 😉 I hope its now fixed – all tests with such serial only e-Boards working now. Thats the main reason to release a new version. So, if your clock not respond and you have such serial only dgt board, please update asap.
Despite this bug Eric-Joseph came up with the idea to show the battery status of a bluetooth connected e-Board to be sure the battery will keep on during the game is in progress. Actually, this is a wish for long on my secret list – i tried it once some months ago but it wasn’t successful and since its not a must-have i always shifted it. Well, finally i managed to do it and you can see the percent value of your bluetooth battery in the menu system, display, battery. If you don’t have such DGT BT board, you will see a “N/A” (no battery inside your board).
On Revelation 2 chess computers or old DGT-XL clocks there is a gap between the first 3 and the last 3 chars. Some messages didn’t take this into account, so i changed some texts. Also Al had a situation with a mate in >10 moves (thanks to the strong stockfish chess engine) which also showed wrong on his revelation II.
Wish you all a happy “Pfingsten” (maybe whitsun?) – i learned that in US they not have this holiday days – asked shiv if “pentecost” is okay as translation.
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