- Version v0.9n
- Download 965
- File Size 4.85 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date February 22, 2018
- Last Updated September 26, 2019
What you can do with pico-config
This tool allows you to change some picochess.ini settings which arent available on your DGT-3000 Pi clock or any other DGT chess clock in an user friendly manner. Most of picochess settings can be changed by your DGT clock but some special ones are simply to hard to enter or not important enough to be included in the clock menu. Mainly you can change the following sections:
- eMail related things
- remote chess engines
- automatic updates of picochess
- and many more
Howto install pico-config
Following steps are needed:
- First you need to transfer the downloaded tgz file to your DGT 3000 Pi or Raspberry. Please use your favourite ssh transfer program for this.
- Login to your DGT chess clock or Raspberry
- Run "tar -zxvf pico-config.tgz" at the place you transfered the file to
- Go inside the new created folder with "cd pico-config"
- Start the program with "sudo ./pico-config"
This tool is not part of the standard picochess project. I decided to offer it as a download file asking to pay as much as you think, its worth. Please don't distribute it to other people directly. Its more or less a version just for you even there is not license file right now. If you have problems please post a comment here. Have fun!
Dear Anton,
please post in english only – Yr text is one time translated from me (admin).
Hello Jurgen,
maybe it’s possible to include “http://livechesscloud.com/software/” in your wonderful picochess v0.9e (= non dgtpi-user = simple raspi-user), so that you would be able to publish chess games or play with your image as well?!?
Hi Anton,
technical yes, but the source code of livechess is not available and i dont have too much resources for doing it anyway. So, i dont want to give you too much hope, even your idea is good. Sorry.
Hi , just to know if Pico-config would run on raspberry p zero 2W ?
Secondly , could we edit the source code of it ?
Hi Alen,
if it runs depends on the OP System not the HW itself. I haven’t tried it on newer systems but it simply needs a new compile if it fails right now.
If that’s still an option for you and we think to become a member, PLEASE talk to me first. I can’t promise to do such compile, cause as I said “I don’t offer software anymore” (due to busy guy).
No, the source code is NOT (never) available.