Picochess was first build from Jean-Francois Romang followed by Shivkumar Shivaji. Since April 2015 i’m also part of the development team. Below is a picture from the old days.
The goal the this project is to create a dedicated chess computer based on tiny ARM computers with the DGT e-board and electronic chess clocks. We are proud to say that this source code is now also part of the new DGT-Pi
Finally picochess can also interact with a Revelation II Even our focus is on an ARM system like a RaspberryPi you can also run the software on a normal desktop computer no matter what operation system you prefer.
Multiple chess engines are included that run on your ARM computer. Many different game settings and playing levels can be selected. The display guides you through the menu settings and informs you during the game, showing clock times, game moves and hints. Despite the DGT clocks we also offer a dedicated web-server where you can see the game, analyse openings or master games (we provide a database with over 1.4 million games) just at your fingertips.
Picochess offers many different playing modes. Play against an engine or analyse your games. You can also play against a remote friend/tutor. Fischer Random Chess (Chess960) is also supported (not all chess engines we provide support this mode). If you want your games can also be eMailed to your postbox in pgn format.